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Best Event Organizer

Understanding Event Organizer
Event management can be defined as organizing an event that is managed professionally, systematically, efficiently and effectively whose activities range from concept (planning) to implementation to supervision. In event management, everyone must work hard with the same vision to produce events that meet expectations. It is very much needed cohesiveness to everyone involved in the team. In other words, the Event organizer means that not only one person feels that he is the greatest at performing a task, but all depend on each other. Basically, the task of EO. Is helping his client (client) to be able to hold the desired event. This could be due to limited resources or time the client has, but the use of EO services. Also possible on the grounds that the implementation is professional so the results are better than if done alone.
Business in the service sector that is legally designated by its client, in order to organize the entire series of events, starting from planning, preparation, execution to evaluation, in order to help realize the objectives expected by the client to create an event.
The function of management is to build and maintain good and beneficial relations between the organization and the public that affect the success or failure of the organization. This definition also identifies the establishment and maintenance of a mutually beneficial relationship between the organization and the public as a moral and ethical basis.

Basic Management of the event

Managing ideas that are realized into the concept of the event.
The concept must be able to be asked and able to run well.
The concept must be acceptable to all parties involved.

Planning an event

It is necessary to conduct preliminary research on the feasibility of an event, including in regard to the size of the budget and public interest in the event.
According to the target consumer of the event being held and able to interact with the audience
Must be able to create experience
Based on creativity, innovation and original

 Types of Event Organizer
Judging from the type of event held, EO can be categorized into:

One Stop Service Agency: A large EO that is able to hold various types of events on an international scale though.
 MICE: Short for Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition). EO is specifically engaged in organizing events in the form of meetings.
Brand Activation; is an EO that specifically helps its clients to promote in order to increase sales, increase brand recognition among consumers, by interacting directly with their target market.
Music and Entertainment: EO who specializes in entertainment, especially music.
Wedding Organizer: EO who specializes in helping clients hold weddings.
Birthday Organizer: EO who is an expert at making birthday parties, including for children.
Private Organizer: A special EO that is engaged in organizing private parties, especially for rich people.
System of work Event Organization (EO)
Once the scope of EO's work is wide, it can actually be an alternative profession that can accommodate many workers. How it works EO has the same main system of work with work systems in other fields of work. The difference is only in the level of classification of the program that can be measured from the scope of the program's work area, workload, budget funds and human resources involved. The EO system works as follows:  
         It is important to understand where the position of the EO is. Because it involves the scope of inherent and accompanying responsibilities. The position sequence of the parties in accordance with the scope of work area and responsibilities is as follows:

1. Funders:  This can be in the form of sponsors or agencies / companies that have 'intent' in simple terms are those who spend money for the implementation of a program.
2. Implementing:   Here is the real position and role of EO. Implementers must work hard to realize the dreams and satisfaction of all parties. Because it is the centre of all parties, the executive has a very vital and strategic position.
3. Viewer:  This viewer is one of the key attractions of a program. All types of programs are very dependent on the performers. Example: regional level soccer competition, if not followed by top teams, lacks appeal.
4. Audience:  Whatever the program, the attendance of the audience will be very important. Whether paying or free, a small party at home up to the level of the formula one race, the audience factor is one measure of the success of the event.
5. Observer: This is usually from the press, or even our friends, or anyone who gets information about the event that we are holding. Bystanders
6. Audience:  Whatever the program, the attendance of the audience will be very important. Whether paying or free, a small party at home up to the level of the formula one race, the audience factor is one measure of the success of the event.

Stages of Organizing an Event
To realize the success of an event is hard work that requires a clear and directed concept. Below are some strategic stages in organizing an event:

Interesting and creative concepts
The process of making the event
Significant event execution

Process of Making Event Stages
1)       Looking for creative concepts.
2)       Put the concept in a written draft.
3)       Form a team for the event to be held.
4)       Discuss the concept with the team and make a scheme of the rules of the game (Mind Framework), then arrange it in the form of a proposal.
5)       Determine the parties that will be involved in the event, and make a list of proposal objectives.
6)       Disseminate proposals, in an appropriate manner.
7)       Follow up on proposals, and provide potential deadlines for potential sponsors.
8)       Contacting all suppliers, performers, reconfirm venues and all other supporting attributes. Like, licensing, security etc.
9)       Enter into contracts for all parties
10)   Conduct technical meeting with all the fillers.


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