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Managing an event from Planning, Implementation to Evaluation

Basic of Event Management


Understand and explain again about managing an event from planning, implementation to evaluation Understand and explain again about the purpose of an event held to support the activities of the Organization Make an event with the correct concept and achieve the expected goals.

What is an Event?

Is a form of event and not event, because deliberately held? Is a program that will be carried out in a planned manner for a purpose? Variety of programs very much depends on the idea that underlies the implementation of it. Different from spontaneous activities, the event is carried out based on a plan that has been prepared previously.

What is a Management?

A process of planning, organizing, leadership and controlling the efforts of members of the organization as well as the use of all available resources in the organization to achieve predetermined organizational goals.

What is Event Management?
Is an arrangement of program implementation, the process of analysis, planning, marketing, producing and evaluating events. This is a different way to promote a product, service or idea. It certain core values ​​that will be used for each element, process and decision to justify a professional approach and achieve effective and efficient results.

Event Groups

There are 3 major groups of theories and concepts of management: 1. Classical Theory2. Neo-Classical Theory of Organization, and 3. Modern Theory of Organization (Modern Theory of Organization) Theory and concepts which all develop according to the changing era. But every theory is still popular today. Management concepts, including organizational theory (Organization Theory) is a conceptual framework for managing work more efficiently. As well as producing effective products at the same time. In these modern times, whether small or large organizations all need good management. For the organization to be able to make the best progress.

These traditional theories and concepts began in the late 19th century, in line with social change when the world began to adapt to industrial societies. The traditional theories in this early era were mainly focused on effective and efficient productivity rather than personal attention. The administration system therefore has a clear and clear structure and regulation. It has a fixed format. The organization is a form (Formal Organization) with the focus on the highest productivity. In this era, human labor is seen as a machine. The higher the efficiency of a human being, the more products it will produce.

This theory and concept is developed from classical theory and concept, developed with academic sociology and psychology. This theory began to develop in the early 20th century, with more studies on human factors. See the value and importance of personnel As well as human relations management In addition, informal groups began to be concealed in more and more organizations.

In an era of rapidly changing social and economic conditions, businesses are expanding rapidly. Management is more complicated. Emphasizing the correct operation and effective results. The management of the organization is therefore mixed in a variety of details. Especially the introduction of mathematics into various calculation systems for the most efficient management to personnel management that is more complex including creating various strategies. In the management of various forms in order to achieve the highest efficiency In this modern management era, there are many new theorists who come up regularly and discover different management methods like science experiments.

Is a strategic planning tool used to identify and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in an event project. Includes: Strengths: These are the attributes of the organization that help in achieving goals. For example Experienced event team, high level of motivation, good market share, etc. Weaknesses: These are attributes of organizations that are dangerous in achieving goals. For example, social laziness, lack of funds, experienced event teams, low energy levels, lack of media and company contacts, etc. Opportunities: These are external factors that help in achieving goals. For example little competition, favorable economic conditions, support from local government, availability of state of the art infrastructure, etc. Threats: These are dangerous external factors in achieving goals. For example high competition, little or no support from the local government, bad weather, poor infrastructure, high-level labs, unavailability of raw materials, etc.


Because event management is part of management, management functions should ideally be carried out:








The event to be conducted must be clear, whether routine events such as Diksar, Mat, or other events which should be organized within one year of management or temporal events such as seminars conducted by every field of work or any event that does not include routine.


At this stage, there are several things that must be done namely the mapping of responsibilities and the establishment of work schedules.


The Chairperson becomes an institution that has the right to direct all members without authoritarianism, and is open to all criticism in order to expedite all the pre and post-event processes carried out.


Supervision is actually not much different from the direction but is more personal on the chairman to oversee all members' work so that there is no mutual gesture and blame.


Step 1: Analyze the event Step 2: Prepare the event plan Step 3: Explore the market test for the event plan Step 4: Get organizers, sponsors, partners and clients for your event Step 5: Prepare the Schedule of events, list the activities that need to be done in order to produce and market events. Steps involved in preparing an event schedule Step 1: Make a list of pre-event, in-event and post-event activities Step 2: Set a deadline for each event activity Step 3: Define the event activities for each team member. Note: For large scale events, you must prepare separate event schedules for each event production area.

How Far Is EO Required?
Help ease the burden on organizers or funders. Help provide positive ideas for the successful achievement of program targets. As a translation of basic ideas put forward by funders. Be a liaison between the funders with a number of producers who have a common goal in the promotion. Reviving partnerships in the process of mutually beneficial cooperation (mutualistic symbiosis). For example: in terms of procurement of event properties.


Courtesy: Event Management Company


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