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What are corporate events and types of Corporate Events?

Corporate Events:

A good corporate event shows in its small details all its excellence. Follow our tips on corporate events until the end of this text so you don't miss this chance!

Do you want to have an event that will be remembered by the guests? Spend competence planning small things. This is what you, in addition, to impress, will eternalize your corporate event. So don't overlook the details, think about each one. To be able to carry out all the details of your corporate event, have advance planning. A long term facilitates the hiring of space, services, and suppliers. The final cost of a planned event with a good deadline, for example, will be cheaper by up to 30%, compared to another with a hasty organization. And we believe that saving while maintaining quality, must be a good thing, right?

With this Portal tip, you will be able to negotiate, plan and have several advantages.

Bet on content that relaxes guests

Think of the corporate world. Imagine overexposure to information, which is the main feature of the globalized world. Therefore, the target audience of the events needs to empty itself of the tension and agitation of everyday life, so that the reception of contents and ideas is a success. But how can this be done?

Well-planned details can help in this difficult mission. Whatever the type or purpose of your corporate event, invest in something that takes care of the guests' relaxation. You will win the audience's attention and the content will be absorbed more easily because some details will have already relaxed the minds of the guests. A musical or sporting performance can be a brilliant attraction! In addition to just entertaining, these details invest in preparing the guest for what will happen at the event. Now, imagine if during the week or days of the event participants could practice yoga, meditation, or aerobic exercises, accompanied by professionals in the field? Wouldn't that be incredible?

These activities could take place quickly after breakfast, before lectures and seminars. In addition to encouraging physical activity, you would bring a different and relaxing experience to your corporate event, a detail that would make all the difference! Betting on live music during breakfast also relaxes the mind in a playful way. And thinking even more about the details, choose a repertoire that has everything to do with the main theme of your event. Now imagine just a fellowship show? This would be ideal to attract the attention of the guests and to hold a corporate event. But don't forget, for all this to be possible, the deadline is essential! How to close with attractions that have a full schedule if there is no advance? Memorize, investing in details that require good planning!

It is important that the attractions are related to your corporate event, so the exchange of information with suppliers is very important. This is where ME2 stands out, for the value it gives to the coherence of the event and the dialogue, always suggesting paths that will make its programming remarkable. Wouldn't that be ideal for your goals?

Invest in exclusive services

Easy access to the corporate event venue is usually taken into account when hiring, right? So, imagine if, in addition to the good location of your event, your guests were surprised by a shuttle that picks them up at home? An exclusive service like this could delight your guests, who would enjoy the event without worrying about how to return home, which route to take ... Details, details that change everything!

Count on a good support team

Another detail that will make your corporate event memorable is the support team (staff), who must be prepared to deal with whatever is necessary. And that is why Serene has highly trained staff so that the small details impress your guests. From the supply of materials for visual communication, filming and editing services, marketing for promotion, iconography, and audio-visual, everything is perfectly aligned so that the details make all the difference. And this is available to you here!

Types of corporate events: know the main ones

Knowing the types of corporate events is essential to the life of an event planner. This is because they are one of the best communication and marketing tools to create or strengthen relationships with the target audience and partners.

However, there are different event formats, with different characteristics, approaches, and objectives, and it is necessary to know how they work so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Thinking about it, we will present the main types of corporate events, explain the format of each one of them, and in which company/public they fit. Come on?

·         Congresses

By nature, congresses are large events, lasting up to five days and a maximum of eight hours a day, but which allow for variation depending on the organization's needs. In addition, they may have a more technical or scientific character and regional, national or international coverage.

They aim to promote, present and discuss subjects that lead to the enrichment of participants, therefore, they are usually idealized by universities, entities or scholars linked to the production of science.

Its realization is guided by the main theme, which can be subdivided into topics to be discussed and detailed more broadly in small events, such as symposia, round tables, lectures, courses and workshops, among others, held within the same event.

·         Workshops

These are meetings held by experts who, in most cases, requires participants to have some prior knowledge of what will be discussed, since after all the exposure a discussion is generated.

This is one of the most popular types of corporate events and is divided into three phases: exhibition, discussion and conclusion, but without necessarily seeking to reach any conclusion. Its main objective is to inform and train participants, generally a university audience, so that everyone can develop new skills regarding the topic addressed.

·         Conferences

Among the types of corporate events, conferences are meetings of a formal nature, with well-defined stages. For this event, the figure of the moderator is essential to mediate the relationship between audience and lecturer, responsible for developing the theme chosen to guide the event, which can be either technical, scientific or artistic.

A conference aims to promote the ideal environment for debates and is used by different segments of society, such as, for example, to discuss public policies in a country.

·         Speeches

In a way, this is a smaller and less formal meeting than the conferences, with an average duration of 30 to 60 minutes, but which can be extended, depending on the need.

The whole event revolves around the figure of the speaker - or speakers. He is responsible for providing listeners with their knowledge and experiences on the main topic, followed by a space reserved for questions and discussion. An important detail is that the lecture, being more informal, allows interruptions during the speaker's speech, for questions.

This type of meeting can have as the main objective both to instruct, motivate, but also to deal with behaviors. Due to this versatile characteristic and short duration, they can be performed for the most diverse audiences. But if the idea is to hold a larger event, a cycle of lectures - which is a sequence of lectures with different themes governed by the main theme - is a great option.

·         Conventions

Conventions are one of the types of larger corporate events, just like congresses, but which allow greater participation, interaction, and involvement of participants. They aim to present the topic to be discussed and to clear all doubts about it. Due to this characteristic, over time, meetings and meetings of companies or professional categories have become more common.

There are several types of conventions, one example being commemorative conventions, organized to engage and encourage teams or to promote a specific product or service, as well as to discuss and define the salary floor.

·         Round tables

They are short-term events, used to clarify, promote discussions and exchange of ideas on a given subject. The invited speakers have a specific time, around 20 minutes, to present their ideas and then discuss them among themselves.

It is more common for roundtables to be held during the programming of congresses and symposia, due to the ease they have in promoting dialogue, but this does not prevent them from being held separately, without being linked to a larger event. And it is worth mentioning that, to chair the meeting, as well as all its activities, it is necessary to choose a moderator.

·         Symposia

The symposia are meetings that seek to discuss more specific topics, therefore, they work on a single subject throughout their realization, in addition to choosing renowned professionals for the main speech. The role of the moderator in this type of event is also very important, as he is responsible for introducing the guests, for clarifying the topics of each theme and, of course, so that the discussion time does not exceed the stipulated limit.

In the end, the public is invited to participate in the discussion through questions. However, unlike a round table, experts do not get to debate each other during the meeting.

·         Fairs

There are several types of fairs, but, in general, all of them seek to exhibit, whether products, brands, or any other items. Most are organized for a large audience, as it is an excellent marketing tool to promote interaction between suppliers and buyers.

For the structural part, fairs need stands for the exhibition of products and/or services. In most cases, commercialization is not allowed during its execution, because, for having a more commercial purpose, its main intention is to make contacts.

·         Workshops

The workshops are both promotional and commercial. They work on themes in a more practical way, with the division in three moments: exhibition, group discussion, and conclusion, since its objective is to deepen the discussion on specific topics, presenting practical cases.

The workshops have as main objective the practice of the content taught, so they are more direct and they carry out the practice right after the subject is exposed. Thus, the registered public has more opportunity to practice what was discussed, gaining more experience.

 Courtesy: Corporate Event Planner in Lahore


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