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How to organize a successful event?


We always come home stressed, tired, wanting to relax and disconnect from our working life, but there are some professions such as the event organizer that do not allow this type of luxury only within the reach of a few. If it is difficult for us to organize our closet and keep our house tidy, imagine if you are trying to organize an event in Madrid for 10,000 people. This type of challenge is what this type of profile meets.

Tying all the ends and that everything is ready on a key day may seem like a specific objective, but it is not easy to achieve since we must bear in mind that it is a job that must be done before,  during, and even after the event. The first thing is to know the types of events there are, a private meeting is not the same as a conference for thousands of people, so let's suppose that we are organizing a conference in which talks will be held on various topics. Taking into account the type, the budget must be adjusted since the event organizer is in charge of both contact and coordination with suppliers. You also have to take into account the requests of the client, or the person who has commissioned the management of the event, and adapt it as you receive their feedback so that everything is to your liking.

The place where it will be held has to be found paying attention to several details:

  • Do you have an internet connection? You need to have powerful connections that cover the entire venue. The connection must be able to reach the last corner.
  • Is it easily accessible? The chosen place must have good communication, be it public or private transport. It is advisable to give information on how to get to the venue, indicating the distance, the bus or metro lines that communicate, and how long it takes to get there.
  • Does it have enough capacity?  Hiring a place with the right space may seem like a no-brainer, but finding a place with enough space is another additional challenge.

Events are never unforeseen

We already have our type of event and venue, but now we need the people who are going to attend it. The event organizer must be in contact with the marketing department to promote through a specific strategy and thus get attendees. The objective is to get them to register for our event, therefore we must carry out promotional actions through all the channels we have available and also define the  target  of our publications, that is, the audience we are going to target and who is most likely that interest you:

  • Social media posts
  • Web page explaining the conference activities
  • Email marketing campaigns

Coordinate the team of designers to establish a coherent corporate image, not only for creating graphics in general, such as advertising banners,  flyers, or programs to hand-deliver to attendees, but also to decorate stands,  roll-ups,  photo calls,  etc. As they say, appearance is everything, giving it a ground-breaking personality will add points. The registration of our attendees through a website or registration software is essential to manage the sale of tickets online in an automated way.

In the midst of the crisis period of the Coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic, event organizers are closely affected and have to adapt to a multitude of external impositions and circumstances. We bring you the necessary information to help you make a clear decision regarding whether to keep, cancel, or change the date of your event.  This article is informative and is not applicable to all events. Each case has its particularities and you can go to the competent authorities and legal professionals to study your contracts, your situation and make clarifications on the official texts.

If the event continues: reassure your audience

If your event continues, reassure attendees through good communication about the measures implemented so that the event takes place in the best possible conditions of hygiene and safety.

Analyze all options

Act calmly and do not make a final decision in a hasty way, announcing a cancellation without being prepared to manage it. A cancellation announcement inevitably carries a barrage of questions to be prepared for. Check with public authorities before canceling your event. Do not make unilateral decisions, as that will lead you to bear the consequences on your own.

Postpone the event

In some cases, it is possible to find an alternative to canceling the event: postponing it. In any case, this is not as simple as it sounds and all parties involved in organizing your event have to agree.

Just as for cancellation, don't make this decision lightly and don't rush your ad. This emergency solution will obviously not satisfy everyone. Also, just like in a normal and current cancellation case, if the event is postponed, you have a legal obligation to reimburse all buyers who request it.


 Courtesy: Event Organizer in Lahore


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