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Wedding planner - how to find the perfect wedding planner!

 The trend for wedding planners comes from America. In The USA, the Wedding Planner, as it is called there, is hard to imagine without a wedding. But also in Pakistan, a wedding planner is getting more and more involved. With wedding planning in professional hands, the bride and groom can concentrate on the important things - such as the wedding dress, the wedding rings and the wedding menu. On the day of the wedding, the wedding planner then ensures that the process runs smoothly.

What does a wedding planner do?

Only with a wedding dress and the wedding cake is not enough. When getting married, you have to think of the perfect seating arrangement, a decoration concept, and an unusual guest gift. In addition, the motto of the wedding celebration should run through the invitation cards, place cards, and the program of the celebration.

A wedding planner is an event manager, but a special one. After all, the wedding planner plans "the most beautiful day of life". The demands are accordingly high. The Wedding Planner takes care of everything the couple wants. It starts with finding the first ideas and continues with the creation of a concept to the organization of the wedding and the wedding party.

Wedding planners or wedding agencies support the couple with budget lists, schedules, and checklists. They suggest different locations, implement decoration requests, and plan the wedding. The couple can decide whether the entire planning is in competent hands or only outsources part of the planning.

How much in demand are wedding planners?

In Pakistan, the job of the wedding planner is still relatively young, but more and more couples are getting married to a wedding planner by their side. The wedding planner is a permanent contact and takes on rather unpopular aspects of wedding planning. So he or she can negotiate prices with locations and DJs while the couple focuses on inviting guests, the wedding cake, and choosing the wedding rings.

What makes the perfect wedding planner?

In Germany, the wedding planner is not a protected job title. In theory, anyone without training can call themselves a wedding planner and offer these services. This makes it difficult to find competent support. A good wedding planner should already have organized numerous weddings and maintain good contacts in the industry. With industry knowledge of the best DJs, locations, and florists, a well-connected wedding planner can negotiate cheaper prices and keep the wedding costs under control.

In addition to negotiating and organizational skills, a good wedding planner also takes into account the individual wishes of the couple. He or she listens carefully to the couple, makes suggestions, and reads between the lines. At the same time, an experienced wedding planner is also honest and direct if the wishes cannot be realized or if these exceed the budget. On the day of the wedding, the wedding planner pulls the strings in the background. He or she ensures that everything runs smoothly and improvises in an emergency.

How much is a wedding planner?

A wedding planner accounts for about ten to 15 percent of the total cost of a wedding. If a wedding is planned for 10,000 euros, the wedding planner costs between 1000 and 1500 euros. Depending on individual wishes and expectations, the costs for the professional wedding planner can of course also be higher.

The wedding planner's first offer should always be free. Then the bride and groom can decide whether they really want to use the services. If the wedding planner blows up the budget, the couple can also opt for partial planning and reduce the services by various aspects.

The future spouses should note that planning by the wedding planner not only saves time and nerves but in many cases also money. With the contacts, the wedding planner can negotiate cheaper prices. This way, the couple gets more for the same money and the wedding celebration is not much more expensive overall than without the wedding planner.

The contract with the wedding planner

A professional wedding planner will record the exact scope of services in a contract before starting work. This should include and explain all the services ordered. This prevents misunderstandings between the bride and groom and the wedding planner.

The contract also sets the price and when the services must be paid for. In addition, the contract should include information on the amount of travel and accommodation costs for the wedding planner, as well as information on the guarantee, withdrawal, and termination of the contract.

You should ask these questions to a wedding planner

Check the wedding planner through and through during the first conversation. You should ask your wedding planner these questions before commissioning:

  • How many weddings have you already organized?
  • Where did you train to become a wedding planner?
  • Do you know service providers at the wedding venue?
  • What services do you offer?
  • How much does a complete package cost?
  • Do you support wedding planning in individual points?
  • Has anything ever went wrong at a wedding you organized?
  • What role do you take on at the wedding ceremony and celebration?

These questions are often clarified during the first interview. It is not just about professionalism and expertise, but also about the sympathy between you and the wedding planner. Sympathy and trust form the basis for harmonious and successful cooperation.

A good wedding planner will have anecdotes of weddings in-store where things didn't go quite well. At the same time, he or she will also explain how the situation in favor of the wedding could be resolved. If the wedding planner states that you have only organized perfect weddings, you should be skeptical. Something - even if it's just a little thing - always goes wrong. For this reason, professional wedding planners are always prepared with an "emergency case" with safety pins, plasters, and make-up.

A good wedding planner will ask you more questions than you ask him. Professional wedding planners know what questions to ask to learn all the details and wishes of the bride and groom. Details on the process, the concept, the decoration, the seating arrangement, and many other details will be clarified in the course of the planning.

Wedding planner for small budgets

With more than 1000 euros up, the services of a wedding planner are not exactly cheap. With a limited budget, you have to cut back. The question is allowed whether the wedding planner can also take over certain parts of the planning. This can already be a great relief for the couple and lower the prices for the services of the Wedding Planner. Perhaps there is also a budding wedding planner in the circle of acquaintances who wants to gain initial experience in the new professional field for a lower fee.

At the wrong end, however, savings should not be made: the fee of 15 percent of the total budget of the wedding is quite justified. The time and effort that a wedding planner puts into planning the wedding should not be underestimated. Ultimately, the Wedding Planner saves the wedding couple a lot of time and also money through know-how and contacts.

Conclusion: how useful is a wedding planner?

  • The job description is hard to imagine a wedding in Pakistan. The wedding planner is also becoming increasingly popular in Pakistan. Due to the desire for a perfect and individual wedding, more and more couples trust the expertise of the Wedding Planner.
  • Not just for luxury weddings: the fee for a professional wedding planner or wedding agency makes up around 15 percent of the budget for the wedding. For this, the wedding planner can negotiate cheaper prices with service providers with contacts and know-how and keeps a close eye on the costs.
  • With the wedding planner, you ultimately have no excessive costs and save a lot of time and nerves. When planning your own wedding, the budget is often exceeded unintentionally because the costs for details and small things are not considered. The professional wedding planner always has these costs in mind.
  • If the costs for the complete all-round carefree wedding package are too high for you, ask for a proportionate organization, and take other parts of the wedding planning into your own hands. So you still get competent support at a lower price.
  • A good a wedding planner will deal intensively with your personal ideas, point out ideas, and make suggestions. In the event location of your wedding, the wedding planner should not only have the experience, but also maintain contacts with florists, DJs, registry offices and locations.
  • Put your wedding planner through its paces before commissioning. Ask a lot of questions about already organized weddings, training, and references. If these points match, you decide by sympathy.

Courtesy: Best wedding planner in Lahore


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