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Tips to manage successful events!

Event management:

The organization of a successful event requires planning and dedication. It is possible to make the management of events simpler and improve the daily life of the organizer. In this post, we will tell you what are the main technologies that can be applied in each stage of your event and how they can bring practicality, speed, and ease to your day today. We will also talk about how important it is to manage tasks, people, and choose the right team to delegate functions. This will help you manage your time, money, and more.

Event management: Pre-event

It is in the pre-event that you will make sure that all the organization's processes are well planned and ready to be executed. Create spreadsheets, checklists and anticipate possible problems such as the formation of long lines in the accreditation or the low budget to promote good publicity - which influences sales and contributes to the positive image of your event. After listing the possible problems, the time has come to find the solutions. That's where technology comes in!

Planning for event management

To facilitate the organization of activities you can create a planning worksheet. Start by making it very clear everything that will be needed to carry out the event: Team, target audience, schedule of activities, type of event and especially the available budget.

You can also count on the help of organization applications like:

·         Trello: It's perfect for you who like to-do lists. The app gives you the option to create checklists, set deadlines for the team, and attach files, and more. And the best part: it is possible to add people to your task list and thus increase everyone's contribution, engagement, and organization.

·         Dropbox Paper: Need a place to organize your tasks and meetings without having to worry? This app will help you! Paper is support that facilitates access to documents from anywhere. You can manage your team - write together, comment, attach files - in addition to detailing tasks and documenting - just like meeting minutes.

·         Google Calendar: This application is great for you who like to mark the tasks that need to be done in the calendar. Using it will give you the possibility to create daily, weekly or monthly reminders on your smartphone. And thus avoid forgetting dates, scheduled activities, or meetings.

Disclosure is within the event management

Technology It also helps you in this step. You can create a website for your event and publish on it what will be the schedule, dates, photos from previous editions, and even the next ones that will come to the end of the event, in addition to selling the registrations online. For your visibility to increase and your dissemination to be effective, remember to work well with SEO - techniques that optimize your content making it easier to find it in search engines like Google. Down here has a tip on that.

After making sure that your website is well ranked, make an analysis of its operation. If you were a user, would you be able to remain calmly browsing the pages or would you be unhappy with the delay of loading, or with the difficulty of finding what you are looking for? Answering these questions will make it easier to solve your website's problems and, as a bonus, give your visits and subscriptions a boost. It's the logic: when user satisfaction grows, the number of views naturally increases.

Another simple tip, which will make all the difference when deciding whether or not to share your content, is the construction of visual identity. Is she attractive? Do you talk to your target audience? Is it easy to view and understand? Believe me, these points - well built - will affect the act of sharing any content produced about the event!

Social networks

Use social media to reach more participants. It is possible to create an event on Facebook, but all the information such as date, place, and time, and schedule, link to register - and invite your contacts to attend. The good thing about using Facebook is that people can share, invite their own friends, and increase the visibility of your event. Setting up an Instagram profile is also an option to increase your visibility. It is a great tool for those looking to promote a lot of interaction between the participants or who want faster and more efficient feedback - the network offers the Story tool to help you in this mission.

In addition, you can increase your visibility using hashtags on social networks. On Instagram, the user can already follow the ones that are most attractive to him. That is, they take your content to people who are really interested in consuming it. It's worth betting! Ah! Within the networks it is also possible to promote the posts to reach more people, you decide the amount according to your available budget and start investing!  


Technology can also help you to sell your event in a more practical way - through payment intermediaries like Wire card. By using them it will be possible to offer the main forms of payment such as credit card in installments, bank slip, and debit card. It's all done online and safely. Best of all, you don't have to spend on physical space or hiring staff to make your sales. Another advantage is the convenience that you offer to the participant who does not have to travel to register.

Some offer early receipt - after 2 days of the deposit being made by the participant, the platform already releases the money for the organizer to start investing. This avoids the rush to get sponsorship or resources from third parties. Nice, isn't it? Play the video and discover the secret to boost your sales!

Event management: Event day

When the day of the event arrives you need to be attentive to all the details. Promoting participant satisfaction comes first. That is why managing the secretariat correctly is so important. The technology can also facilitate this step! Take a look!


With the use of technology, accreditation is no longer a stressful time - when the participant is in line for hours - and becomes a quick and practical activity. Like? Automating this step with the help of an event platform! Many of them have solutions to streamline this process. With the sale of online registrations, it is possible to send a payment receipt to the participant to present at the accreditation. Some managers also offer a check-in application. On the day of the event, the barcode of the voucher is read by an app, improving the experience of the participants, in addition to being an option to minimize equipment costs.

Another advantage is the printing of labels and badges. Instead of writing the name of each participant on each badge, how about printing the ready-made labels? There are platforms that offer this functionality, it is possible to print them before the event starts and leave the badges ready to be delivered - this saves expenses with the rent or purchase of a printer, for example. Thanks to technology it is possible to say goodbye to manual work! Want to know more tips to rock this step? Watch the video!

Event management: Post-event

The delivery of certificates, satisfaction survey, and communication with the participant - thinking about the post-event - are made here. This demands attention from the organizer and responsibility of the team. Technology can facilitate processes and bring more security to run smoothly. In addition, it is an efficient way to enhance the delivery of certificates. Nothing better than a helping hand to reduce the margin of error and waste of time, right?

Instead of delivering the certificates at the end of the event, send them by post or ask the participants to make the withdrawal at another time, how about, send them by email? An event management platform that has this integrated solution may be the best solution for you! It's a great way to use technology to streamline the process, avoid queues and, as a bonus, save your time and money that would be spent on printing equipment, paper - and still make participants super happy, of course. In this way, the digital certificate will always be available for access and printing by the participant. If he loses, it will not be necessary to contact you again to request a new route, for example. Ah! After receiving the certificate by email, there is the option to download for printing. To learn more about the types of certificates play in the video below!

Satisfaction survey improves the management of future events

Instead of asking questions, writing them by hand, typing them and printing them, only to then make the survey available to participants at the end of the event, you can complete the process completely online. Investing in specific software to carry it out is a great option. In the market, there are platforms that send the survey directly to the participant's email and still link to the receipt of the certificate, thus guaranteeing the answer to the questionnaire. To help you formulate the questionnaire questions you can use the survey sites. Take a look at the ready models of the internet, they can inspire you!


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