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Tips to Become a Corporate Event Planner!

Regardless of whether you are planning the company Christmas party, a festival, or a product presentation, the steps of event planning are usually very similar. Often a lot is actually gained if you keep an overview. Our ultimate event planning checklist helps. You can certainly take one or two tips for event planning with you. 

The different steps for event planning are outlined below. If you are the quick checklist type, just scroll through to the bottom of the page - where you will find the summary for experienced event planners.

Less stress in three steps thanks to event technology

Fortunately, for many problems nowadays there is a solution in the form of event technology. Even if you still feel most comfortable with pen and paper, it is worth taking a look at various tools. Because technology is becoming more and more user-friendly - often you don't need any previous knowledge to get started right away. But what does it actually help? There are three key areas where event technology can simplify your workflow:

  1. Plan better
  2. Inspire your participants
  3. Work more efficiently

1. What is the goal of your event?

Event tip # 1: In the beginning, there is the goal. Sounds paradoxical, but is not to be scoffed at when planning an event, so all further planning steps are based on your goal. Determine what you want to convey to your guests with the event and what outcome you are aiming for. You will notice that if you have a set goal, some planning steps will become easier or will arise on their own. You can often deduce from the objective of what tasks you have to face and what you have to consider when planning your perfect event.

2. How much should it cost?

Event tip # 2: be calculating. And we mean that very positively. Start the event planning with a calculation. How much can the location cost and how much do you want to spend on catering and supporting programs? Also, note the costs that are not immediately incurred at the event: licenses, invitations, marketing the event, and any travel expenses for employees.

3. Do you have the (time) plan?

Event tip # 3: timing is everything. As so often in life, timing is everything when it comes to event planning. And above all, we mean taking the different steps in a good time. Event locations in particular are quickly booked up, especially if they are set to a specific date. In order to give all employees the opportunity to view the different planning steps and also to clarify the interdependencies between the steps, it is worthwhile to work with a project plan that everyone can access.

4. At the right time...?

Event tip # 4: Double (checked) lasts better. Depending on the size of the event, the date of your event should be six months in advance. So you can be sure that your guests have time on this date and also the right show artists or Musicians are available. Send the invitations to your event early enough. It's better to invite twice via save-the-date and follow-up than to be alone at your event afterward. Double is better. A typical mistake in the Determination of the event details not to have the big picture in view.

6. I'm hungry, what's there to eat?

Event tip # 6: A wisdom that also applies when you are planning an event. Hungry guests are also dissatisfied guests or, in the worst case, guests who disappear. You should, therefore, take care of the appropriate catering. Plan for periods of time to eat and serve decorative snacks at the reception, for example. That raises the mood directly! It is now important to offer vegetarian or even vegan options. If you're planning an event that's more like a festival or a party, it may also make sense to organize food stalls for a midnight snack.

7. What else do you have to offer?

Event tip # 7: The frame makes the picture. Sometimes eating is not enough as a program item. For example, plan a company Christmas party on Team buildings laid out? Or an anniversary that your guests should remember? There are professional ones for that Show artist, live bands, Speakers and moderators who have experience with major events and help make your event unforgettable. Is your event under a specific one? Motto, the choice of decoration can make all the difference. And if you want to dance, the evening stands and falls with it anyway. If there are families with children among their guests, childcare should also be considered.

8. Do everyone know?

Event tip # 8: be loud. Promote your event through the channels you reach your target audience. Via company notices and e-mails, social media, or posters - that depends entirely on your event. When applying, the following applies: anticipation is the greatest joy. Therefore, advertising for your event should awaken exactly that: Anticipation. So promoting your event is also an opportunity to get your guests in the mood for your event.

9. Can you do that?

Event tip # 9:  It may sound very German, but one thing is certain. And that also applies to the legal protection of your event. Do you have the necessary permits from the city, the fire brigade or GEMA? When you host an event, sometimes an annoying but necessary step to allow the event to go up at all. So nothing helps!

10. What if?

Event tip # 10: Control is (always) better. This applies at least to event planning. Does your project team know about all steps at the event? Does an emergency plan exist? Have you received appointment confirmations from location, catering, and show artists? Do not leave anything to chance. If you want to plan the perfect event, it is worth thinking twice about everything and involving the project team for event planning. After all, you shouldn't be the only person with the master plan!

And that's not all:

For almost every organizer problem there is now the right software that relieves planners and makes organization easier. It is also worth taking a look at event management platforms that cover several of the functions mentioned at once - this way you can reduce your effort even more.

If you would like to try out the numerous functions of our Serene Event Complex event management platform yourself, register for test access. If you are already planning a specific event, we would be happy to give you a personal demo of our platform!

Courtesy: Corporate Event Planner in Lahore


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